Tuesday 14 September 2010

My birthing

So here we go first blog and already i have a confession. I used to think people who blogged either had too much time on their hands or just liked talking too much - or both. How could anyone really think their life was so exciting that they needed to tell the whole world! But i am happy to say my opinions have changed since then and recently i have found myself reading other people's blogs (about their interesting exciting lives!) and finding myself wishing i could make public some of my musings and thoughts. So here i am catching up with the rest of the world and being birthed into the land of Bloggerdom.

My posts shall probably just be the random mumblings of myself, and some grumblings too i'm sure, mixed in with (hopefully) some inspiring life changing God stuff and perhaps poems or short stories i have written. So i embark on a new journey in life, well ok perhaps not quite so dramatic, but i do feel an odd sense of excitement about it all. Perhaps after i press the 'publish post' button i'll suddenly feel i have changed, i will have to run to look in the mirror to see if i look like i belong to the blogger world and other bloggers will be able to know i am one of them with one look! Or perhaps not...i will just have to wait and see!

I think one of the reasons i began to be drawn over to the 'dark side' was, when recently, i made a few changes in my life. I moved back into christian community (another post, another day) after having grown up in christian community until the age of 18 and then moving to live with 2 friends for two years (again another post, another day); and even though that was a few months ago i wish now i had documented the move, the change and all my thoughts. I would like to have been able to look back to everything i was going through at the start and see the difference now! So i am hoping this blog might in one way help towards that documenting down all the different changes in my life and so i can look back in months or years even and, i am sure, be amazed at all God has done through that time.

Until next time my blogging family!

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